27765 Nanticoke Rd. Salisbury, MD 21801

Small groups and sunday school

Click the group name to learn more about each one
Third Sunday Incense
Our Women’s prayer group meets once a month to pray fervently for our children and grandchildren and their particular concerns.
Meets the third Sunday of every month. 9am in Room A26.
Adult Sunday School
Bible study for all ages.
Meets every Sunday at 9am in Room A14.
Women’s Prayer Group
Prayer group meeting to pray for our Cross Pointe family, our pastors, our community and the wider world.
Meets every Sunday at 9am in Room A26
Wednesday Night Prayer Group
Open to all. A time of prayer for the needs of our Cross Pointe family and others.
Meets in the chapel (behind the sanctuary) at 6:30pm
Wednesday Night Bible study
Weekly Bible study for all ages.
Meets in the chapel (behind the sanctuary) at 7pm

Women’s Mid-Week Bible Study
Bible and book study for women of all ages.
Meets on Wednesdays at 7pm in Room A26.
Teen Sunday School
7th-12th grade. Time for discussion and deeper study of God’s Word.
Meets every Sunday at 9am in Room A28.
Cool Table
Men’s breakfast group. Meets at various locations. Time for connection while discussing issues from a Biblical perspective.
Meets every Friday at 8:00am
Young Women’s Group
Young Women's Bible study and Fellowship group.
Meets twice monthly at the Brewer's home.
Women’s Ministries
Various events held throughout the year, such as an ice cream social or Christmas tea. Check the church calendar for details.

Meets on the first Monday of the month at 6pm for dinner at various locations.
All ages welcome.
Men’s Ministries
Meets occasionally through the year for social events such as trip to Annapolis for football games, Shorebirds baseball games etc. Check the church calendar for details.

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